Predmety Research Curriculum Vitae Publications Kontakt


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Gašparovič P (2000), "Presnosť výpočtov nestlačiteľného prúdu okolo profilu krídla pomocou CFD softvéru FLUENT", In Zborník konferencie "Nové trendy v rozvoji letectva" : sekcia IV "Konštrukcia a prevádzka lietadiel a leteckých motorov" : 7-8.9.2015., September, 2000. , pp. 40-44. Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Presnosť výpočtov nestlačiteľného prúdu okolo profilu krídla pomocou CFD softvéru FLUENT},
  booktitle = {Zborník konferencie "Nové trendy v rozvoji letectva" : sekcia IV "Konštrukcia a prevádzka lietadiel a leteckých motorov" : 7-8.9.2015},
  publisher = {Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {40--44},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2000), "Výpočet transsonického prúdenia v dúchadle dvojprúdového motora", In Zborník konferencie "Spolehlivost a diagnostika 2000"., September, 2000. , pp. 23-28. Vojenská akademie Brno.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Výpočet transsonického prúdenia v dúchadle dvojprúdového motora},
  booktitle = {Zborník konferencie "Spolehlivost a diagnostika 2000"},
  publisher = {Vojenská akademie Brno},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {23--28}
Gašparovič P (2000), "Spojenie systémov FLUENT a COSMOS/M pri komplexnom návrhu", In Zborník konferencie užívateľov systému FLUENT. Praha, October, 2000. TechSoft Engineering s.r.o..
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Spojenie systémov FLUENT a COSMOS/M pri komplexnom návrhu},
  booktitle = {Zborník konferencie užívateľov systému FLUENT},
  publisher = {TechSoft Engineering s.r.o.},
  year = {2000},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P and Semrád K (2000), "Spojenie metód CFD a FEM pri komplexnom návrhu súčastí v letectve (Coupling of CFD and FEM methods in complex design in aerospace)", In Zborník konferencie TRANSFER 2000. Trenčín, October, 2000. , pp. 89-94. Trenčianska univerzita.
Abstract: Coupling of CFD and FEM methods gains new ability of the structure design in aerospace. In the article there are described classes of simulations that are needed to be solved by this way and there are also described coupling methodologies of this two numerical methods. The aim of article is to give information about solving of this problem at our department.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Karol Semrád},
  title = {Spojenie metód CFD a FEM pri komplexnom návrhu súčastí v letectve (Coupling of CFD and FEM methods in complex design in aerospace)},
  booktitle = {Zborník konferencie TRANSFER 2000},
  publisher = {Trenčianska univerzita},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {89--94}
Gašparovič P (2000), "Použitie metód CFD pri návrhu súčastí", In Zborník konferencie: Nové trendy v prevádzke výrobnej techniky : 22-23.11.2000., November, 2000. , pp. 129-132. Fakulta výrobných technológií TU Košice so sídlom v Prešove.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Použitie metód CFD pri návrhu súčastí},
  booktitle = {Zborník konferencie: Nové trendy v prevádzke výrobnej techniky : 22-23.11.2000},
  publisher = {Fakulta výrobných technológií TU Košice so sídlom v Prešove},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {129--132}
Považan J and Gašparovič P (2002), "CFD výpočet charakteristík transsonického 19-lopatkového dúchadla". Thesis at: Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach., January, 2002. (158/2000)
Abstract: The report describes the calculation of the performance maps of the DV-2 19-blade transonic fan using the CFD tool Fluent. The numerical model uses unstructured mesh, explicit multigrid solver and residual smoothing. The turbulence model is Spalart-Allmaras.
  author = {Jozef Považan and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {CFD výpočet charakteristík transsonického 19-lopatkového dúchadla},
  school = {Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach},
  year = {2002},
  number = {158/2000}
Trautenberger Ľ and Gašparovič P (2002), "Vplyv zmeny tvaru Mi-17 na doplnkový škodlivý odpor (Impact of Mi-17 shape modification on additional parasitic drag)". Thesis at: VLTSÚ Košice., March, 2002. (LLM-1011/5-2002 ZÁSTAVBA)
Abstract: The report describes the investigation of aerodynamic drag of the helicopter Mi-17 in order to evaluate the effect of the structural modification on fuel consumption. The drag is computed by numerical method, using the software FLUENT. The results of the test flight are in agreement with the calculated results.
  author = {Ľubor Trautenberger and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Vplyv zmeny tvaru Mi-17 na doplnkový škodlivý odpor (Impact of Mi-17 shape modification on additional parasitic drag)},
  school = {VLTSÚ Košice},
  year = {2002},
  number = {LLM-1011/5-2002 ZÁSTAVBA}
Gašparovič P (2002), "Návrh nízkorýchlostného profilu krídla pre vysokovýkonný padákový klzák (Design of low speed airfoil for high performance paraglider)", In Zborník konferencie "Nové trendy v rozvoji letectva" : sekcia II. "Letecké strojárstvo a environmentalistika" : 5-6.9.2002., September, 2002. , pp. 37-44. Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach.
Abstract: The design of a low speed airfoil for a high performance paraglider wing bears the limitations which are unknown in the proces of the design for fixed geometry wing. Described are the most important criteria and the process of the design using software tools Fluent and XFOIL.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Návrh nízkorýchlostného profilu krídla pre vysokovýkonný padákový klzák (Design of low speed airfoil for high performance paraglider)},
  booktitle = {Zborník konferencie "Nové trendy v rozvoji letectva" : sekcia II. "Letecké strojárstvo a environmentalistika" : 5-6.9.2002},
  publisher = {Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach},
  year = {2002},
  pages = {37--44},
  url = {}
Trautenberger Ľ and Gašparovič P (2004), "Vplyv prídavnej gondoly vrtuľníka Mi-17 na dolet (Impact of auxiliary bottom dome of helicopter Mi-17 on flying range)", Acta avionica., July, 2004. Vol. 6(10), pp. 94-97.
Abstract: The article describes the investigation of aerodynamic drag of the helicopter Mi-17 in order to evaluate the effect of the structural modification on fuel consumption. The drag is computed by numerical method, using the software FLUENT. The results of the test flight are in agreement with the calculated results.

Článok popisuje postup pri zisťovaní aerodynamického odporu vrtuľníka Mi-17 za účelom stanovenia vplyvu konštrukčnej úpravy vonkajšej konštrukcie na spotrebu paliva. Odpor bol vypočítaný numerickou metódou, pomocou softvéru FLUENT. Skúšobný let potvrdil dobrú zhodu s vypočítanými hodnotami.
  author = {Ľubor Trautenberger and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Vplyv prídavnej gondoly vrtuľníka Mi-17 na dolet (Impact of auxiliary bottom dome of helicopter Mi-17 on flying range)},
  journal = {Acta avionica},
  year = {2004},
  volume = {6},
  number = {10},
  pages = {94--97}
Gašparovič P (2004), "Zistenie prídavného odporu konštrukčnej úpravy vrtuľníka Mi-17 (Investigation of additional drag of structural modification of helicopter Mi-17)", In Zborník konferencie "Nové trendy v rozvoji letectva" : sekcia I "Letecké strojárstvo a enviromentalistika" : 9-10.9.2004., September, 2004. , pp. 16-20. Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach.
Abstract: The article describes the investigation of aerodynamic drag of the helicopter Mi-17 in order to evaluate the effect of the structural modification on fuel consumption. The drag is computed by numerical method, using the software FLUENT. The results of the test flight are in agreement with the calculated results.

Článok popisuje postup pri zisťovaní aerodynamického odporu vrtuľníka Mi-17 za účelom stanovenia vplyvu konštrukčnej úpravy vonkajšej konštrukcie na spotrebu paliva. Odpor bol vypočítaný numerickou metódou, pomocou softvéru FLUENT. Skúšobný let potvrdil dobrú zhodu s vypočítanými hodnotami.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Zistenie prídavného odporu konštrukčnej úpravy vrtuľníka Mi-17 (Investigation of additional drag of structural modification of helicopter Mi-17)},
  booktitle = {Zborník konferencie "Nové trendy v rozvoji letectva" : sekcia I "Letecké strojárstvo a enviromentalistika" : 9-10.9.2004},
  publisher = {Vojenská letecká akadémia gen. M. R. Štefánika v Košiciach},
  year = {2004},
  pages = {16--20},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2005), "Aerodynamická analýza bezpilotného lietajúceho prostriedku kategórie MINI (Aerodynamic analysis of unmanned aerial vehicle of category MINI)". Thesis at: VLTSÚ Košice., October, 2005. (VLTSÚ-91-22/2005-LZT)
Abstract: The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of the category MINI is analysed using the CFD numerical tool Fluent. The first numerical model simulates the propeller blades alone and the second model assumes the simplified model of the rotor disk. Two configurations of the propeller cowl are investigated. Calculated are lift forces, the dimensions of the compensating blades, and aerodynamic moment in side motion.

V správe je bezpilotný prostriedok kategórie MINI analyzovaný pomocou CFD riešiča Fluent. Obsahuje numerickú analýzu samotných listov vrtule a analýzu zjednodušeného diskového modelu vrtule. Dve konfigurácie plášťa vrtule sú skúmané. Výsledkom sú vypočítané hodnoty vztlaku, požadované rozmery vyrovnávacích lopatiek a klopivý moment pri pohybe do strán.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Aerodynamická analýza bezpilotného lietajúceho prostriedku kategórie MINI (Aerodynamic analysis of unmanned aerial vehicle of category MINI)},
  school = {VLTSÚ Košice},
  year = {2005},
  number = {VLTSÚ-91-22/2005-LZT}
Gašparovič P (2006), "Vortex ring safety of rotorcraft", In Nové trendy rozvoja letectva : zborník príspevkov 7. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie : sekcia "Letecké strojárstvo a enviromentalistika" : 6-8.9.2006., September, 2006. , pp. 51-56. Technická Univerzita v Košiciach.
Abstract: The vortex ring is dangerous regime of the flight of any rotorcraft. Presented numerical simulation evidences it is matter of overall flow pattern, and airfoil stall is only secondary phenomenon. Simulation is in good agreement with theoretical assumptions therefore the onnset of vortex ring regime on rotors of rotorcraft can be easily predicted by simple analytic equation. Transition between vortex ring and normal flight regime is simulated as well. Article presents flow patterns resulted from CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) simulation of rotor disc.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Vortex ring safety of rotorcraft},
  booktitle = {Nové trendy rozvoja letectva : zborník príspevkov 7. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie : sekcia "Letecké strojárstvo a enviromentalistika" : 6-8.9.2006},
  publisher = {Technická Univerzita v Košiciach},
  year = {2006},
  pages = {51--56},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2007), "Dynamic stall of flapping airfoil", In Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Modern safety technologies in transportation -- MOSATT 2007"., September, 2007. , pp. 84-86.
Abstract: Rapidly rotating airfoil is subject to dynamic lift. Dynamic lift can cause excess stress on aircraft structure. There are few data on this phenomenon. This article presents CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) results of dynamic lift ramp-up test on simple airfoil at various angular velocities.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Dynamic stall of flapping airfoil},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the international scientific conference "Modern safety technologies in transportation -- MOSATT 2007"},
  year = {2007},
  pages = {84--86},
  url = {}
Čarnogurská M and Gašparovič P (2007), "Aplikácia Ansys CFX pri skúmaní prúdových pomerov v telese s umiestneným venilátorom (Aplication of Ansys CFX for examination of airflow in manifold with embedded fan)", Acta Mechanica Slovaca., November, 2007. Vol. 11(4-D), pp. 359-364.
Abstract: Article deals with application of numerical methods for examination of airflow in manifold with embedded fan used in combined refrigerator. Boundary conditions of the solution (mass flow and subsequently airspeed) were acquired experimentally using the Thomas‘ cylinder in the laboratory of Department of energetic machines. Measuring of mass flow and subsequently airspeed is based on calorimetric method. The aim of the solution is visualization of airflow in examined body of manifold.
  author = {Mária Čarnogurská and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Aplikácia Ansys CFX pri skúmaní prúdových pomerov v telese s umiestneným venilátorom (Aplication of Ansys CFX for examination of airflow in manifold with embedded fan)},
  journal = {Acta Mechanica Slovaca},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {11},
  number = {4-D},
  pages = {359--364}
Gašparovič P and Čarnogurská M (2007), "Methodology of aerodynamic analysis of air vehicle with flexible surface", MTA Review., December, 2007. Vol. 17(2), pp. 15-22. Military Technical Academy, Rumunsko.
Abstract: Flexible thin surfaces are structurally efficient means of air loading transfer on air vehicles. The design of air vehicles with flexible surface still relies on full-scale experiment. Aerodynamic analysis of flexible structure is possible only if the real data on geometry in the flight are available. Simple photogrammetric method using cheap CAD software is presented. Aerodynamic analysis of 3D geometry using Euler code and quick cartesian mesher is described.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Mária Čarnogurská},
  title = {Methodology of aerodynamic analysis of air vehicle with flexible surface},
  journal = {MTA Review},
  publisher = {Military Technical Academy, Rumunsko},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {17},
  number = {2},
  pages = {15--22},
  note = {(Rumunsko)}
Gašparovič P and Čarnogurská M (2008), "Aerodynamická optimalizácia plášťa odstredivého ventilátora pomocou CFD", In Zborník XVI. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie "Aplikácia experimentálnych a numerických metód v mechanike tekutín" vo Vrátnej doline., April, 2008. , pp. 199-204. Žilinská univerzita.
Abstract: Initial design of centrifugal fan casing is studied using CFD simulation. Casing has one inlet and two outlets and distribution of mass flow into the both outlets is determined only by aerodynamic conditions. Outflow of both outlets is very unhomogenous, therefore new design of the casing is proposed based on CFD results. The method of optimised design which is presented, preserves ratio of massflow through both outlets and utilises CFD postprocesing capabilities of CFD system Ansys CFX 11.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Mária Čarnogurská},
  title = {Aerodynamická optimalizácia plášťa odstredivého ventilátora pomocou CFD},
  booktitle = {Zborník XVI. medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie "Aplikácia experimentálnych a numerických metód v mechanike tekutín" vo Vrátnej doline},
  publisher = {Žilinská univerzita},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {199--204}
Čarnogurská M and Gašparovič P (2008), "Aerodynamic optimisation of centrifugal fan casing using CFD", Acta Hydraulica et Pneumatica., August, 2008. Vol. 5(1), pp. 8-12. Slovenská spoločnosť pre hydrauliku a pneumatiku.
Abstract: Prvý návrh odstredivého ventilátora je riešený pomocou CFD simulácie. Plášť má jeden vstup a dva výstupy a rozdelenie hmotnostného toku v obidvoch výstupoch je závislé len na aerodynamických podmienkach. Výtok z obidvoch výstupov je veľmi nehomogénny a preto nový návrh plášťa vyplynie z CFD výsledkov riešenia. Metóda optimalizovaného návrhu, ktorá je prezentovaná v príspevku, zachováva vstupný hmotnostný tok cez obidva výstupy a využíva pritom schopnosti CFD postprocessingu systému Ansys CFX 11. Initial design of centrifugal fan casing is studied using CFD simulation. Casing has one inlet and two outlets and distribution of mass flow into the both outlets is determined only by aerodynamic conditions. Outflow of both outlets is very inhomogeneous, therefore new design of the casing is proposed based on CFD results. The method of optimized design which is presented preserves ratio of mass flow through both outlets and utilizes CFD post-processing capabilities of CFD system Ansys CFX 11.
  author = {Mária Čarnogurská and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Aerodynamic optimisation of centrifugal fan casing using CFD},
  journal = {Acta Hydraulica et Pneumatica},
  publisher = {Slovenská spoločnosť pre hydrauliku a pneumatiku},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {5},
  number = {1},
  pages = {8--12}
Gašparovič P and Čarnogurská M (2008), "Aerodynamic optimisation of centrifugal fan casing using CFD", Journal of Applied Science in the Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics (JASTFM)., August, 2008. Vol. 2(1), pp. 1-6. Technical University of Liberec.
Abstract: Initial design of centrifugal fan casing is studied using CFD simulation. Casing has one inlet and two outlets and distribution of mass flow into the both outlets is determined only by aerodynamic conditions. Outflow of both outlets is very inhomogeneous, therefore new design of the casing is proposed based on CFD results. The method of optimized design which is presented preserves ratio of mass flow through both outlets and utilizes CFD post-processing capabilities of CFD system Ansys CFX 11.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Mária Čarnogurská},
  title = {Aerodynamic optimisation of centrifugal fan casing using CFD},
  journal = {Journal of Applied Science in the Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics (JASTFM)},
  publisher = {Technical University of Liberec},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {2},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1--6},
  note = {(Česká Republika)},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2008), "CFD modelovanie transsonického prúdenia v dúchadle leteckého motora". Thesis at: Technická univerzita. Košice, September, 2008. , pp. 110.
Abstract: Use of CFD methods in computer modelling of transsonic flow in the fan of aircraft gas turbine necessitates answer to validity of results. Evaluation of validity is realised by comparing result of computer model to data measured on physical full-scale model. Sensitivity of the model is tested by existence of tip clearance. Comparison is done at the flow regimes determined by constant rotational speed (9 981 revolutions per minute) and variable throttling of the fan outlet. Evaluated are two characteristic parameters -- ratio of stagnation pressure in the outer stream of the outlet and in the inlet and isentropic effectivity in the outer stream. Used CFD systems are Fluent 5 and Ansys CFX 11, based on Navier-Stokes equations and finite volume method. System Fluent is applied with Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model with unstructured grid. System Ansys CFX is applied with turulence model of k-omega SST with structured numerical grid with detailed resolution in the volume of boundary layer. Computational results confirm capability of current CFD systems to accurately predict parameters of fan, without accounting for design details and as well to accurately predict the effect of losses on power parameters, provided the numerical grid which is used properly resolves details of the boundary layer. This work is very useful for practical comutations in industry, because specifies conditions for reliable application of CFD methods in computation of transsonic and supersonic fans.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {CFD modelovanie transsonického prúdenia v dúchadle leteckého motora},
  school = {Technická univerzita},
  year = {2008},
  pages = {110},
  url = {}
Čarnogurská M and Gašparovič P (2009), "Posúdenie kvality ventilátora z hľadiska pracovného bodu pomocou bezrozmerovej analýzy a s použitím CFD metód", Acta Hydraulica et Pneumatica., January, 2009. Vol. 7(1), pp. 7-12. Slovenská spoločnosť pre hydrauliku a pneumatiku.
Abstract: V článku sú uvedené výsledky z riešenia ventilátora aplikovaného v telese kombinovanej chladničky s mrazničkou typu KGN. Riešenie je uskutočnené z pohľadu analýzy pracovného bodu ventilátora. Ten úzko súvisí s tvarom rotora. Rotor by mal byť navrhnutý tak, aby sa v pracovnom bode dosiahla maximálna energetická účinnosť. Výnimku z tohto pravidla tvorí požiadavka napr. na aeroakustický hluk.
  author = {Mária Čarnogurská and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Posúdenie kvality ventilátora z hľadiska pracovného bodu pomocou bezrozmerovej analýzy a s použitím CFD metód},
  journal = {Acta Hydraulica et Pneumatica},
  publisher = {Slovenská spoločnosť pre hydrauliku a pneumatiku},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {7},
  number = {1},
  pages = {7--12}
Horák V, Gašparovič P and Rozehnal D (2009), "Performance degradation of iced airfoils", In ICMT'09 : International Conference on Military Technologies 2009 : Brno, Czech Republic, 5 to 6 May 2009. Brno, May, 2009. , pp. 314-321. University of Defence.
Abstract: The phenomenon of in-flight icing may affect all types of aircraft. Aircraft icing causes iced airfoils aerodynamic characteristics degradation. From aerodynamics viewpoint, when compared to wings without ice, wings with ice indicate decreased maximum lift, increased drag, changes in pressure distribution, stall occurring at markedly lower angles of attack, and so increased stall speed. Thus, it is important to understand the different ice shapes that can form on the wings and how they affect aerodynamics. The two-dimensional Navier-Stokes CFD simulation was used for study of aerodynamic performance of iced airfoils the geometry of whose is rather complicated. Results are compared with the wind tunnel testing on models with artificial ice shapes in dry air.
  author = {Vladimír Horák and Peter Gašparovič and Dalibor Rozehnal},
  title = {Performance degradation of iced airfoils},
  booktitle = {ICMT'09 : International Conference on Military Technologies 2009 : Brno, Czech Republic, 5 to 6 May 2009},
  publisher = {University of Defence},
  year = {2009},
  pages = {314--321}
Čarnogurská M and Gašparovič P (2009), "Analýza pracovného bodu ventilátora aplikovaného v telese bielej techniky", Strojárstvo/Strojírenství., June, 2009. Vol. (mimoriadne vydanie), pp. 26-28. Slovenská spoločnosť pre hydrauliku a pneumatiku.
  author = {Mária Čarnogurská and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Analýza pracovného bodu ventilátora aplikovaného v telese bielej techniky},
  journal = {Strojárstvo/Strojírenství},
  publisher = {Slovenská spoločnosť pre hydrauliku a pneumatiku},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {(mimoriadne vydanie)},
  pages = {26--28}
Čarnogurská M and Gašparovič P (2010), "Performance of closed type impeller designed for easy manufacturability", Acta Mechanica Slovaca., May, 2010. Vol. 14(1), pp. 20-24.
Abstract: The impeller of the semi-open type from a refrigerator unit is redesigned to improve efficiency and to reduce the pressure pulsations of the front case. Therefore, the closed-type of impeller with outer shroud is chosen. Dimensions are scaled according to Cordier diagram with rotational speed preserved. The resulting geometry is constrained by requirement of easy manufacturability by injection moulding process. These constrains don't permit to improve efficiency by redesigning impeller.
  author = {Mária Čarnogurská and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Performance of closed type impeller designed for easy manufacturability},
  journal = {Acta Mechanica Slovaca},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {14},
  number = {1},
  pages = {20--24}
Čarnogurská M and Gašparovič P (2010), "Analýza vplyvu zmeny tvaru lopatky ventilátora na jeho výkon", In Zborník XVII. konferencie "Aplikácia experimentálnych a numerických metód v mechanike tekutín a energetike" (Bojnice 28--30.4.2010)., April, 2010. Žilinská univerzita.
Abstract: The impeller of the semi-open type from a refrigerator unit is redesigned to Improve efficiency and to reduce the pressure pulsations of the front case. Therefore, the closed-type impeller with outer shroud is chosen. Dimensions are scaled according to Cordier diagram with rotational speed preserved. The resulting geometry is constrained by requirement of easy manufacturability by injection moulding process. These constraints don't permit to improve efficiency by redesigning impeller.
  author = {Mária Čarnogurská and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Analýza vplyvu zmeny tvaru lopatky ventilátora na jeho výkon},
  booktitle = {Zborník XVII. konferencie "Aplikácia experimentálnych a numerických metód v mechanike tekutín a energetike" (Bojnice 28--30.4.2010)},
  publisher = {Žilinská univerzita},
  year = {2010}
Čarnogurská M, Gašparovič P and Popčáková D (2010), "Performance confrontation of two blade impellers used in KGN refrigerator unit", Ventil., June, 2010. Vol. 16(3), pp. 210-215.
Abstract: The impeller of the semi-open type from a refrigerator unit is redesigned to improve efficiency and to reduce the pressure pulsations of the front case. Therefore, the closed-type of impeller with outer shroud is chosen. Dimensions are scaled according to Cordier diagram with rotational speed preserved. The resulting geometry is constrained by requirement of easy manufacturability by injection moulding process. These constrains don‘t permit to improve efficiency by redesigning impeller.
  author = {Čarnogurská, M. and Gašparovič, P. and Popčáková, D.},
  title = {Performance confrontation of two blade impellers used in KGN refrigerator unit},
  journal = {Ventil},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {16},
  number = {3},
  pages = {210--215},
  note = {(Slovinsko) (journal is indexed in INSPEC)}
Gašparovič P (2011), "CFD simulation of deep stall condition on the sweptback wing", In MOSATT 2011 -- proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation, 20. - 22.September, 2011, Zlatá Idka, Slovakia. Košice, September, 2011. , pp. 133-136.
Abstract: A deep stall, a dangerous flight condition, affects aircraft with certain sweptback wing designs. The paper presents preliminary phase in exploring the deep stall condition by CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) methods. The preliminary phase should verify the ability of CFD methods to confirm existing experimental data of the sweep and taper parameter combinations of the wing. The same methodology could be then used to explore the effect of the next parameter, wing twist, on deep stall condition.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {CFD simulation of deep stall condition on the sweptback wing},
  booktitle = {MOSATT 2011 -- proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation, 20. - 22.September, 2011, Zlatá Idka, Slovakia},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {133--136},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P and Maťaš M (2013), "Stend na elektrické meranie výkonov modelárskych vrtuľových pohonných jednotiek", In Aeronautika 2013 -- Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedecko-odbornej konferencie, 25. - 26. apríla 2013, Herľany, Slovensko. Košice, April, 2013. , pp. 71-73.
Abstract: V článku je popísaný proces návrhu lacného stendu pre meranie malých pohonných jednotiek skladajúcich sa z vrtule a elektrického motora. Dizajn vychádza z charakteristík vrtule, kvalifikovaného odhadu ťahu a krútiaceho momentu, elektrického spôsobu merania síl a dostupných komponentov. Dizajn je overený meraním v aerodynamickom tuneli na typickej modelárskej vrtuli a preukazuje vhodnosť použitého návrhu pre stavbu lacného stendu na meranie modelárskych vrtulí.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Michal Maťaš},
  title = {Stend na elektrické meranie výkonov modelárskych vrtuľových pohonných jednotiek},
  booktitle = {Aeronautika 2013 -- Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej vedecko-odbornej konferencie, 25. - 26. apríla 2013, Herľany, Slovensko},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {71--73}
Gašparovič P and Maťaš M (2013), "Stand for electric measurement of small propeller power unit performance in wind tunnel", Acta Avionica., In Acta Avionica. Košice, May, 2013. Vol. 15(26), pp. 38-41.
Abstract: The paper describes the design process of the low cost stand for measurement of small power units consisting of an electric motor and propeller. The design is based on the characteristics of the propeller, qualified estimate of the thrust and torque, electric method of the force measurements and commercially available components. The design is verified by the measurements in a wind tunnel on a typical model propeller and demonstrates that the employed design is suitable for the building of the cheap measuring stand for measurement of model propellers.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Michal Maťaš},
  title = {Stand for electric measurement of small propeller power unit performance in wind tunnel},
  booktitle = {Acta Avionica},
  journal = {Acta Avionica},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {15},
  number = {26},
  pages = {38--41},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2013), "Cheap silicone tubing micromanometer", In 27th symposium on Anemometry, June 4th-5th, 2013, Holany - Litice, Czech Republic. Prague, June, 2013. , pp. 18-21.
Abstract: The paper describes the design of cheap silicone tubing micromanometer, its mathematical model and measurements which reveal the serious drawback of used materials. The measurement of dynamical properties of the instrument showed to be useful for measurement of inner diameter of capillary tubes and is promising method for calibration of the instrument.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Cheap silicone tubing micromanometer},
  booktitle = {27th symposium on Anemometry, June 4th-5th, 2013, Holany - Litice, Czech Republic},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {18--21},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2013), "Computation of steady state position of the long line towed behind a helicopter", In MOSATT 2013 : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation", 24-26 September 2013, Zlata Idka, Slovakia. Kosice, Slovakia, September, 2013. Vol. 5, pp. 72-76.
Abstract: A long line suspended below helicopter and used for the transport of external cargo presents safety risk for helicopter when towed unloaded between the phases of the flight with a cargo loaded. The paper presents the results of the computation of steady state position of the long line at various cases. Auxiliary loading of the free long line doesn't create higher safety at higher air speed. The only measure able to separate the long line from a tail rotor is slower flight speed.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Computation of steady state position of the long line towed behind a helicopter},
  booktitle = {MOSATT 2013 : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation", 24-26 September 2013, Zlata Idka, Slovakia},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {5},
  pages = {72--76},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P and Cúttová M (2013), "Properties of silicone tubing micromanometer", In Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou: Senzorika a magnetometria 2013, 5. decembra 2013, Košice, Slovenská republika. Košice, December, 2013. , pp. 19-25.
Abstract: The paper describes the design of cheap silicone tubing micromanometer, its mathematical model and measured properties. The usability of the micromanometer for a pressure calibration depends on the employed type of liquid. The second use of the micromanometer, which doesn't depend on precision of pressure measurement, is the measurement of inner diameter of capillary tubes.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Miroslava Cúttová},
  title = {Properties of silicone tubing micromanometer},
  booktitle = {Zborník príspevkov z vedeckej konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou: Senzorika a magnetometria 2013, 5. decembra 2013, Košice, Slovenská republika},
  year = {2013},
  pages = {19--25}
Cúttová M and Gašparovič P (2014), "Flight dynamics of aerial vehicle with untypical arrangement of surfaces at low Reynolds number", In XI. International Conference New Trends in Aviation Development 2014 : 11-12.9.2014., September, 2014. , pp. 1-6.
Abstract: The flight path of the existing aerial vehicle with untypical arrangement of surfaces is simulated and compared with measurements. The purpose of the aerial vehicle is a toy performing loop maneuvre in vertical plane and its performance is measured by the dimension of the loop with an initial kinetic energy limited by launching catapult. The prediction of the aerodynamic performances of the aerial vehicle is complicated by untypical arrangement of lifting surfaces and low Reynolds number effects, therefore simple methods for typical arrangement (main wing and tail) of aircraft cannot be used. The CFD analysis by Ansys CFX code is used for prediction of lift, drag and pitching moment. The geometry of the CFD model is acquired by laser 3D scanning of real vehicle. The unsteady flight path of the aerial vehicle in 2D vertical plane is numerically simulated based on path initial conditions, mass properties and aerodynamic performances of the vehicle. The path is computed by Runge-Kutta numerical integration. The flight dynamics model is described by point mass and by angle of attack always in equilibrium (at current velocity and pitch angle). The flight dynamics uses aerodynamic coefficients interpolated from CFD data.
  author = {Miroslava Cúttová and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Flight dynamics of aerial vehicle with untypical arrangement of surfaces at low Reynolds number},
  booktitle = {XI. International Conference New Trends in Aviation Development 2014 : 11-12.9.2014},
  year = {2014},
  pages = {1--6},
  url = {}
Sloboda O and Gašparovič P (2014), "Computation of aeroelastic effects on the wing of aircraft", Acta Avionica., In Acta Avionica. Košice, November, 2014. Vol. 16(30), pp. 1-6.
Abstract: This paper deals with static aeroelastic wing computation. Suitability of the Fluid Structure Interaction (FSI) method for aeroelastic computing is examined in Ansys software interface. It is investigated if the FSI method in Ansys is appropriate for monolithic wing structure. After the solution of the problem with created structural and aerodynamical meshes with consistent interface, it is concluded that the Ansys FSI is applicable for aeroelastic computing of the thin walled structure with complicated geometry, probably with the external meshing software.
  author = {Oskar Sloboda and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Computation of aeroelastic effects on the wing of aircraft},
  booktitle = {Acta Avionica},
  journal = {Acta Avionica},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {16},
  number = {30},
  pages = {1--6},
  url = {}
Stanko Ľ and Gašparovič P (2014), "CFD simulation of flow regimes in the supersonic wind tunnel of the Faculty of Aeronautics", Acta Avionica., In Acta Avionica. Košice, November, 2014. Vol. 16(30), pp. 1-5.
Abstract: Three cases of the working regime of the supersonic wind tunnel of the Aeronautical Faculty are simulated by using CFD (computational fluid dynamics) program ANSYS CFX. CFD simulation results of the wind tunnel are in agreement with existing technical documentation and experiences with the wind tunnel's operation and provide detailed information about inlet airflow speeds, required strength of the models in the test section and requirements of the vacuum pump. It is concluded, that CFD program is able to describe the airflow in Laval nozzle with supersonic speeds, according with published theory of quasi-one-dimensional and two-dimensional airflow.
  author = {Ľubomír Stanko and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {CFD simulation of flow regimes in the supersonic wind tunnel of the Faculty of Aeronautics},
  booktitle = {Acta Avionica},
  journal = {Acta Avionica},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {16},
  number = {30},
  pages = {1--5},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P and Astaloš J (2015), "Scalability of computing acceleration on cluster with processors Intel Xeon", In TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2015: Setkání uživatelů a konference: Sborník: 27. - 29.5.2015: Hotel Zámek Valeč. Praha, May, 2015. , pp. 1-7. Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o..
Abstract: Computing cluster of Technical University in Kosice is based on 6-core processors Intel Xeon and infiniband architecture. Scalability of computing acceleration on cluster is tested on the CFD computation using the system Ansys CFX. For maximum acceleration of computation with fixed number of available licences the desirable maximum number of processes per hardware node is six and odd number of processes per node doesn't have any advantage.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Ján Astaloš},
  title = {Scalability of computing acceleration on cluster with processors Intel Xeon},
  booktitle = {TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2015: Setkání uživatelů a konference: Sborník: 27. - 29.5.2015: Hotel Zámek Valeč},
  publisher = {Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o.},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {1-7},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2015), "Convergence of inviscid axial-symmetric flow past sphere", In TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2015: Setkání uživatelů a konference: Sborník: 27. - 29.5.2015: Hotel Zámek Valeč. Praha, May, 2015. , pp. 1-6. Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o..
Abstract: Sphere in potential flow is chosen as a model of object in far field of the flow whose impact on pressure changes in concerned flow is investigated. During simulation of inviscid axial-symmetric flow past sphere in CFD system Ansys Fluent there are convergence problems, caused by stagnation points laying on axis of symmetry.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Convergence of inviscid axial-symmetric flow past sphere},
  booktitle = {TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2015: Setkání uživatelů a konference: Sborník: 27. - 29.5.2015: Hotel Zámek Valeč},
  publisher = {Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o.},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {1-6},
  url = {}
Gašparovič P (2015), "Flat static probe insensitive to yaw", In 29th symposium on anemometry: Proceedings: 2. - 3.6.2015: Holany-Litice. Praha, June, 2015. , pp. 18-20. Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR, v. v. i..
Abstract: From several assumed static probes designs the flat probe developed by Rudolf Broezel is selected because of its simplicity and insensitivity to yaw of the flow stream. The CFD analysis confirms its insensitivity to yaw and brings insight to important features of its geometry.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Flat static probe insensitive to yaw},
  booktitle = {29th symposium on anemometry: Proceedings: 2. - 3.6.2015: Holany-Litice},
  publisher = {Institute of Hydrodynamics ASCR, v. v. i.},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {18-20}
Gašparovič P (2015), "Aerodynamic load on a car television antenna", In MOSATT 2015 : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation", 16-18 September 2015, Zlata Idka, Slovakia. Kosice, Slovakia, September, 2015. Vol. 6, pp. 51-56.
Abstract: The aerodynamic load on a DVB-T television antenna to be externally mounted on cars and mobile homes is investigated in order to provide details for safe mounting on rooftop of vehicle during ride. The loads consisting of vertical force (lift) and horizontal force (drag) is measured in wind tunnel with external balances. Two versions of the antenna in three positions are tested. Concerning the drag force, the worst case is position with the flat surfaces perpendicular to airstream. The biggest lift force is achieved in position with the widest cross-section in front view.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Aerodynamic load on a car television antenna},
  booktitle = {MOSATT 2015 : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation", 16-18 September 2015, Zlata Idka, Slovakia},
  year = {2015},
  volume = {6},
  pages = {51--56}
Gašparovič P and Cúttová M (2015), "Properties of Flat Broezel Static Probe used for Accurate Measurement of Flight Airspeed of the Aircraft", In Transport Means 2015 : Proceedings of the 19th international scientific conference: October 22-23, 2015, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania., October, 2015. , pp. 425-428. Kaunas University of Technology.
Abstract: The flat static probe designed by Broezel is used in sailplanes for accurate measurement of vertical speed of aircraft. The probe is apparently suitable also for accurate measurement of flight airspeed owing to its yaw insensitivity. Therefore, we investigate the properties of the probe in cross flow to confirm the insensitivity of the probe. The first step of investigation is CFD analysis and the CFD results are later compared with results measured in wind tunnel. The results from both sources indicate that the accuracy of the probe allows its use even in applications with the highest requirement for accuracy of flight airspeed measurement.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Miroslava Cúttová},
  title = {Properties of Flat Broezel Static Probe used for Accurate Measurement of Flight Airspeed of the Aircraft},
  booktitle = {Transport Means 2015 : Proceedings of the 19th international scientific conference: October 22-23, 2015, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania},
  publisher = {Kaunas University of Technology},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {425-428}
Semrád K and Gašparovič P (2015), "Statistical data processing for evaluation of component survival probability in aircraft operation", In Měření, diagnostika, spolehlivost palubních soustav letadel 2015 : Zborník 15. mezinárodní vědecké konference : 21.-22.10.2015 Brno. Brno, October, 2015. , pp. 204-210. Univerzita obrany.
  author = {Karol Semrád and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Statistical data processing for evaluation of component survival probability in aircraft operation},
  booktitle = {Měření, diagnostika, spolehlivost palubních soustav letadel 2015 : Zborník 15. mezinárodní vědecké konference : 21.-22.10.2015 Brno},
  publisher = {Univerzita obrany},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {204-210}
Gašparovič P, Semrád K and Cúttová M (2015), "Properties of Broezel static probe", In Proceedings of the International conference Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2015 : November 17.-20., 2015 : Prague, Czech Republic. Praha, November, 2015. , pp. 194-197.
Abstract: The properties of flat static probe designed by Broezel and used in sailplanes is investigated for its planned use in low speed tunnel. Both the numerical CFD model and experiment in low speed wind tunnel confirm yaw insensitivity of the static pressure measured by the probe. The results indicate that the probe is sufficiently accurate for its planned use in wind tunnel measurements.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Karol Semrád and Miroslava Cúttová},
  title = {Properties of Broezel static probe},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International conference Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2015 : November 17.-20., 2015 : Prague, Czech Republic},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {194-197},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1051/epjconf/201611402026}
Gašparovič P and Judičák J (2015), "Modul 17 - Vrtule : Učebný text pre technikov údržby lietadiel podľa predpisu Part 66" , pp. 67. Technická univerzita v Košiciach.
  author = {Gašparovič, Peter and Judičák, Jozef},
  title = {Modul 17 - Vrtule : Učebný text pre technikov údržby lietadiel podľa predpisu Part 66},
  publisher = {Technická univerzita v Košiciach},
  year = {2015},
  pages = {67},
  edition = {1}
Gašparovič P, Kovacs R and Fozo L (2016), "Numerical investigation of vortex ring state of tail rotor and uncontrolled rotation of helicopter", In SAMI 2016. Danvers , pp. 269-273. IEEE.
Abstract: Vortex ring state, or settling with power condition, of tail rotor of helicopter Mi-17 is investigated by numerical methods of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Distinct shape of inflow-thrust curves is described and various flow patterns at different locations of the curve are identified. The shape of the curve is identified as a feature responsible for uncontrolled rotation of helicopter at the onset of vortex ring state at the tail rotor.
  author = {Gašparovič, Peter and Kovacs, Radoslav and Fozo, Ladislav},
  title = {Numerical investigation of vortex ring state of tail rotor and uncontrolled rotation of helicopter},
  booktitle = {SAMI 2016},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {269-273},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.1109/SAMI.2016.7423019}
Gašparovič P (2016), "Numerical mesh for inviscid axial-symmetric flow", In AIP Conference Proceedings. New York (USA) Vol. 1768(1), pp. 020003-1-020003-6. AIP Publishing.
Abstract: The aim of this article is to investigate influence of various mesh properties on accurate predictions of subtle pressure differences in the flow by Finite Volume Method (FVM). The simple inviscid flow past the sphere is investigated and compared with exact analytical solution. Accuracy of the surface pressure depends on the density of the mesh perpendicularly to the surface. Accuracy of the pressure in upwind area depends on density of the mesh along surface.
  author = {Gašparovič, Peter},
  title = {Numerical mesh for inviscid axial-symmetric flow},
  booktitle = {AIP Conference Proceedings},
  publisher = {AIP Publishing},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {1768},
  number = {1},
  pages = {020003-1--020003-6},
  doi = {10.1063/1.4963025}
Gašparovič P and Szabó P (2016), "Comparison of numeric and exact solution of pressure far flowfield", In New Trends in Aviation Development 2016 : Proceedings of the XII. International Scientific Conference : Kosice, September 8 - 9, 2016. , pp. 1-6. Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice.
Abstract: The article compares three solutions of pressure flowfield of inviscid fluid in far field of streamlined object. Exact solution is derived from potential flow, the first numerical solution is based on panel method of PANAIR, and the second solution is based on finite volume method in system ANSYS FLUENT.
  author = {Gašparovič, Peter and Szabó, Peter},
  title = {Comparison of numeric and exact solution of pressure far flowfield},
  booktitle = {New Trends in Aviation Development 2016 : Proceedings of the XII. International Scientific Conference : Kosice, September 8 - 9, 2016},
  publisher = {Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {1-6},
  url = {}
Szabó P, Gašparovič P and Ferencová M (2016), "Flow modeling by high-performance computing", In New Trends in Aviation Development 2016 : Proceedings of the XII. International Scientific Conference : Kosice, September 8 - 9, 2016. , pp. 1-6. Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice.
Abstract: Flow modeling is used to study and analyze the flow around the examined items. This complex process is also based on the use meshes - special graphs that were created (vertices and edges) using mathematical functions. Upon decomposition the mesh for parallel calculations, computational part of the process is carried out using high-performance computing. The work describes the process flow modeling using high performance computing system OpenFOAM in conditions of the Technical University in Košice.
  author = {Szabó, Peter and Gašparovič, Peter and Ferencová, Miroslava},
  title = {Flow modeling by high-performance computing},
  booktitle = {New Trends in Aviation Development 2016 : Proceedings of the XII. International Scientific Conference : Kosice, September 8 - 9, 2016},
  publisher = {Faculty of Aeronautics, Technical University of Košice},
  year = {2016},
  pages = {1-6},
  url = {}
Gasparovic P (2018), "Comparison of the exact solution of inviscid flow past sphere with the results of Control volume method and Panel method", In TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2018 : Setkání uživatelu a konference: Sborník: 23-25.5.2018: Harrachov, Česká republika. Praha, May, 2018. , pp. 1-7. Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o..
Abstract: The flight path of small aircraft with untypical arrangement of surfaces is simulated and compared with measurements. The performance is measured by the dimension of the loop with an initial kinetic energy limited by launching catapult. The prediction of the aerodynamic performances of the aircraft is complicated by untypical arrangement of lifting surfaces and low Reynolds number effects, therefore simple methods for typical arrangement (main wing and tail) of aircraft cannot be used. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis by Ansys CFX code is used for prediction of lift, drag and pitching moment. Two-dimensional flight path of the aircraft is numerically simulated based on path initial conditions, mass properties and aerodynamic performances of the aircraft obtained from CFD analysis.
  author = {Peter Gasparovic},
  title = {Comparison of the exact solution of inviscid flow past sphere with the results of Control volume method and Panel method},
  booktitle = {TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2018 : Setkání uživatelu a konference: Sborník: 23-25.5.2018: Harrachov, Česká republika},
  publisher = {Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o.},
  year = {2018},
  pages = {1-7}
Gasparovic P (2018), "Prediction of the flight path of an aircraft at low Reynolds number with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics", In TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2018 : Setkání uživatelu a konference: Sborník: 23-25.5.2018: Harrachov, Česká republika. Praha, May, 2018. , pp. 1-7. Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o..
Abstract: Three solutions of pressure flowfield of inviscid fluid are compared. Exact solution is derived from potential flow, the first numerical solution is based on panel method in software PANAIR, and the second solution is based on finite volume method in software ANSYS FLUENT.
  author = {Peter Gasparovic},
  title = {Prediction of the flight path of an aircraft at low Reynolds number with the use of Computational Fluid Dynamics},
  booktitle = {TechSoft Engineering ANSYS 2018 : Setkání uživatelu a konference: Sborník: 23-25.5.2018: Harrachov, Česká republika},
  publisher = {Techsoft Engineering, spol. s r. o.},
  year = {2018},
  pages = {1-7}
Fábry S, Tulipán P and Gašparovič P (2018), "Stability of a Hovering Coleoptere", In NTAD 2018: New Trends in Aviation Development 2018. The XIII. International Scientific Conference: PROCEEDINGS. August 30-31, 2018. Košice, Slovakia. , pp. 50-54. IEEE.
Abstract: Single rotor vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is described. Several differences in comparison to multirotor UAV have to be solved to handle succesfull flight. Geometry, acting forces and moments are investigated with goal to keep stable hovering. Stabilization system is recommended for freeing operators attention to the main flight task.
  author = {Fábry, Stanislav and Tulipán, Pavol and Gašparovič, Peter},
  title = {Stability of a Hovering Coleoptere},
  booktitle = {NTAD 2018: New Trends in Aviation Development 2018. The XIII. International Scientific Conference: PROCEEDINGS. August 30-31, 2018. Košice, Slovakia},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  year = {2018},
  pages = {50-54}
Buľko B, Priesol I, Demeter P, Gašparovič P, Baricová D and Hrubovčáková M (2018), "Geometric Modification of the Tundish Impact Point", Metals. Basel, Switzerland, November, 2018. Vol. 8(11), pp. 944.
Abstract: In connection with the increasing requirements for cleanliness in conticast steel, it is necessary to develop original solutions. The tundish, as the last refractory-lined reactor, gives enough space to remove inclusions by optimizing the flow of steel. The basic component of the tundish is the impact pad, the shape of which creates a suitable flow of steel, thus making it part of the tundish metallurgy. The optimal steel flow in the tundish must avoid creating dead zone areas, or the slag “eye” phenomenon in the slag layer around the ladle shroud, and is intended to create conditions for the release of inclusions by promoting reactions at the steel-slag phase interface. The flow also has to prevent excessive erosion of the tundish refractory lining. This paper compares the standard impact pad with the “Spheric” spherical impact pad using computional fluid dynamiscs (CFD) tools and physical modelling. The evaluation criteria are residence time and flow in the tundish at three different casting speeds.
  author = {Branislav Buľko and Ivan Priesol and Peter Demeter and Peter Gašparovič and Dana Baricová and Martina Hrubovčáková},
  title = {Geometric Modification of the Tundish Impact Point},
  journal = {Metals},
  year = {2018},
  volume = {8},
  number = {11},
  pages = {944},
  note = {11 pages},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.3390/met8110944}
Gašparovič P and Ganobčík I (2019), "Comparison of turbulence measurements in wind tunnel", In 33rd symposium on anemometry: Proceedings: 28-29.5.2019: Holany-Litice. Praha, May, 2019. , pp. 13-17. Institute of Hydrodynamics CAS, v. v. i..
Abstract: Two simple methods of evaluating the turbulence in the test section of wind-tunnel, based on measurement of aerodynamic drag of sphere and CTA measurement of turbulent fluctuations are compared. Limits of the turbulent sphere method are evaluated. Dynamic properties of slow CTA hot-wire anemometer are measured. Good agreement of the results of both methods is found out.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Ivan Ganobčík},
  title = {Comparison of turbulence measurements in wind tunnel},
  booktitle = {33rd symposium on anemometry: Proceedings: 28-29.5.2019: Holany-Litice},
  publisher = {Institute of Hydrodynamics CAS, v. v. i.},
  year = {2019},
  pages = {13--17}
Gašparovič P, Bysterský D, Semrád K, Fábry S and Šmelko M (2019), "Failures of airbrakes on sailplanes", In New Trends in Aviation Development 2019 : 26.09.2019-27.09.2019 : Castle Karlova Koruna. Danvers (USA), September, 2019. , pp. 60-63. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Abstract: Known types of airbrakes (also known as a dive brakes or spoilers) of sailplanes are described along with certification requirements. Documented failures are analyzed and divided to categories. Numerical modelling is used to show the stress and deformation applied on airbrakes during the maximum load on L-13 Blanik sailplane.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Dušan Bysterský and Karol Semrád and Stanislav Fábry and Miroslav Šmelko},
  title = {Failures of airbrakes on sailplanes},
  booktitle = {New Trends in Aviation Development 2019 : 26.09.2019-27.09.2019 : Castle Karlova Koruna},
  publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
  year = {2019},
  pages = {60--63}
Gašparovič P, Ganobčík I, Brestovič T, Hovanec M and Főző L (2019), "Improvement of wind tunnel flow with screens", In New Trends in Aviation Development 2019 : 26.09.2019-27.09.2019 : Castle Karlova Koruna. Danvers (USA), September, 2019. , pp. 64-67. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Abstract: Improvement of flow quality in the test section of wind-tunnel with two configurations of screens is evaluated, using two methods – by the measurement of aerodynamic drag of sphere and by the hot-wire CTA measurement of turbulent fluctuations. Only configuration with the screen in settling chamber improves the quality of the flow.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič and Ivan Ganobčík and Tomáš Brestovič and Michal Hovanec and Ladislav Főző},
  title = {Improvement of wind tunnel flow with screens},
  booktitle = {New Trends in Aviation Development 2019 : 26.09.2019-27.09.2019 : Castle Karlova Koruna},
  publisher = {Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers},
  year = {2019},
  pages = {64--67}
Fábry S, Spodniak M, Gašparovič P and Koščák P (2019), "Aircraft gas turbine engine testing", Acta Avionica., In Acta Avionica. Košice, December, 2019. Vol. 21(2), pp. 1-6.
Abstract: The paper deals with testing of aircraft gas turbine engines. The main goal of the research is to propose and design testing sequence for a new or rebuilt engine. All factors and circumstances are described, including surroundings of the engine under test. Prerequisite knowledge is introduced, including the theory of testing, description of test beds, the methods of measurement of engine parameters and special factors that affect engine performance. Some examples of real testing facilities are mentioned. The result of the work is a proposal of test cycle, that can be modified according to engine purpose and specification.
  author = {Stanislav Fábry and Miroslav Spodniak and Peter Gašparovič and Peter Koščák},
  title = {Aircraft gas turbine engine testing},
  booktitle = {Acta Avionica},
  journal = {Acta Avionica},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {21},
  number = {2},
  pages = {1--6},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.35116/aa.2019.0016}
Gasparovic P, Fabry S, Fozo L, Hovanec M and Semrad K (2019), "Measurement of turbulence in wind tunnel with screens", Acta Avionica., In Acta Avionica. Košice, December, 2019. Vol. 21(2), pp. 1-7.
Abstract: Turbulence in wind tunnel is measured by two methods – by the measurement of aerodynamic drag of sphere and by the hot-wire CTA measurement of turbulent fluctuations. Measurements are compared with the prediction of turbulence for various configurations of screens.
  author = {Peter Gasparovic and Stanislav Fabry and Ladislav Fozo and Michal Hovanec and Karol Semrad},
  title = {Measurement of turbulence in wind tunnel with screens},
  booktitle = {Acta Avionica},
  journal = {Acta Avionica},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {21},
  number = {2},
  pages = {1--7},
  url = {},
  doi = {10.35116/aa.2019.0018}
Gašparovič P (2020), "Základy letu. 1. diel : Vzdušné prostredie a základy aerodynamiky" Košice Technická univerzita v Košiciach.
  author = {Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Základy letu. 1. diel : Vzdušné prostredie a základy aerodynamiky},
  publisher = {Technická univerzita v Košiciach},
  year = {2020},
  edition = {1}
Bréda R and Gašparovič P (2020), "Avionické systémy : Letecké prístroje" Košice Technická univerzita v Košiciach.
  author = {Róbert Bréda and Peter Gašparovič},
  title = {Avionické systémy : Letecké prístroje},
  publisher = {Technická univerzita v Košiciach},
  year = {2020},
  edition = {1}
Gašparovič P and Fábry S (2021), "Spôsob merania rýchlosti pomocou sondy celkovej energie" (úžitkový vzor PUV 133-2019)
  author = {Gašparovič, P. and Fábry, S.},
  title = {Spôsob merania rýchlosti pomocou sondy celkovej energie},
  year = {2021},
  number = {úžitkový vzor PUV 133-2019},
  url = {}

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